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Global Tardif Elavator Manufacturing group

120 rue de Naples
Québec, Canada
G3A 2Y2
Phone: 418-878-4116 ou 1-800-661-6316
Fax: 418-878-1595



Request for proposal

Click on the desired file format to open the form. Print, fill and fax-it back to us :

SF 100R (PDF) (MS Excel)
SF 500C - SF500R - SF500 LU/LA (PDF) (MS Excel)
GT PERLA Gearless (PDF) (MS Excel)
GT EzWaiter (PDF) (MS Excel)
GT Master Waiter (PDF) (MS Excel)
GT SmartLift (PDF) (MS Excel)
GT 100C (PDF) (MS Excel)
GT 100R (PDF)(MS Excel)
GT 500C - GT 500R - GT 500 LU/LA (PDF) (MS Excel)
GT PERLA Hydraulic (PDF) (MS Excel)

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